A useful couple of sites for latest research
Spectrum is a leading news page on autism research and ScienceDaily covers all subjects, with this link filtered to autism
from these sites>
-Explaning some conditions that accompany autism
-There is emerging evidence that autistic people are significantly more likely than the general population to be gay, bisexual, transgender or otherwise
-How a gene alteration modifies social behavior
Five times as many males as females are diagnosed with autism. Here is a useful article which offers more information on the topic and it offers some approaches to autistic females.
Autism—It's Different in Girls Scientific American March 1 2016
Steve Silberman discusses the increasing awareness of autism and its history, looking especially at a paper written in 1944 by Hans Asperger.
Here are some personal accounts from people living with autism.
Geneticist Wendy Chung shares an in-depth talk about the autism spectrum disorder and how autism can have multiple causes. She shares what her and her team have discovered through their studies.
You might have already heard of Temple Grandin. She shares what it's like to be autistic and her ability to "think in pictures" which provides her with many benefits in life.
16-year-old Rosie King shares what's great about being autistic and how people should not be afraid of being different. A great talk on human diversity.